Saturday, April 26, 2008

Terms of Unspoken

And as I'm dying this can't be the right end for me.
I want to abuse again the world.
Rape it.
Make it mine.
Living the excess.
Bring to the edge everything
And see all perish.
Lets usure, let us use.
Leave the body cold.
Leave the love, old.
Something new for get excited.
Bored by the usual.
New sensations,
Asking for the persecution of the bliss.
Loosing the external me.
Shooting right in your eyes.
A gun in my heand.
Can't any of you see the death?
Make Her take you!
Let me be possesed by her.
Killing for the freedom,
Killing for peace,
Killing for love,
Killing for hate,
Killing for living.
Help me becoming a God,
Assassinate me.
Help me having a legend,
Assasinate me.
Kiss me.
Don't talk. Don't move.
The end is for my dreams,
My body is all eletricized,
Ready to hit you.
Ready to love you.
Ready to terrorize you.
A botle as a friend, gave me the force.
Makes me true this pain.
I don't seek for it:
It's a desire.
Unspoken my wishes remains.
You like it?
I love this.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Telefonino Random

Apatia nelle strade e nelle case.
Nudi davanti a schermi vuoti,
Con la paura di pianeti bianchi.
Mi trovo senza la mia immagine.
Ti mostrerò il mondo in cui vivo.
Parteciperai alla mia gioia senza colore né sapore.
Affiderò alle tue mani il mio corpo restio.
Tu liberalo dai cavi.
Poi chissà che le mie parole
Sapranno parlarti.
Vieni in questa apatia, lasciala pervaderti.
Ci addormenteremo beati,
Ci addormenteremo beati.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Cristal Skies

Stars suspended on linen wires.
Paper satellites cross the sky.
The face of the moon disappears
[Covered by black curtains]
I’ve taken few drops, but I’ve fallen asleep.

And it’s passed some time trough my closed eyelids,
Shadows dance for me behind the lights.

Cristal skies shatters.
Sand castles collapse, enlightened
By spheres of light on lined lamps.
And a sea in which I’ve put myself to drown.

And it’s passed some time trough my closed eyelids,
Shadows dance for me behind the lights.

White beaches of salt,
Impend by waves of sparkling wine.
Rings of planets spin away,
Distant from my thoughts’ orbits, I’ve alienated.

Soft clouds of wadding,
Pastry air on the head.
A rainbow, black, in the twilight.
I’ve taken few drops, but I’ve fallen asleep.

And it’s passed some time trough my closed eyelids,
Shadows dance for me behind the lights.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


And still, as iron
His eyes cold as the day.
Nothing of a lion,
But a kitten.
So alone in the pat
Of death,
Awaiting for us
To step in the dark.
Yellow scars.
Show the trail
Departed from our luxury
And ended with all the days.

|| Published in occasion of Wine&Roses's photo "Sunshine Kitten"

Rearranged Version

Monday, April 14, 2008

Notte al Quindicesimo Piano

Guardo quest'abisso profondissimo
E rimango piacevolmente stupito
Di come un vecchio brivido
Mi porti verso l'infinito,
Riposto sotto questo cielo livido.
Batte il cuore un ritmo.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Va affievolendosi il vento tra le tamerici.
Cala la brezza del tramonto.
Lo sciabordio delle onde,
Infondo alla spiaggia,
Tra riflessi dorati e lingue di fuoco,
Culla il naufrago.
Rapide occhiate, dalla scogliera,
Inquadrano il vero problema:
Se dietro è una montagna
Davanti è l'infinito dell'acqua.

E colmare la visione è impossibile.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Ricordi Spezzati del Deserto

Ricordi spezzati del deserto.
Balocchi d'immagini su verdi muri,
Ed i granuli trasfigurati e'l capello al vento.
Il tempo rimane lento.

Ricordi spezzati del deserto.
Bizzarri movimenti d'ombre lasciate all'atmosfera,
Quale dolce promessa di una diversa
Di ciò che invece era.

Cammina e abbandona
Impronte nella sabbia, fresco,
Il nostro piede.
Tralascia questo disordine,
Torna, ritorna.

|| Published With The Photo " Leave Another Day" on Flickr