Thursday, November 27, 2014


Looking for surrogates
while diluting your infusions
in my bare entrails.
Fading first / replacing then
your taste with chemical substitutes
though nothing seems to fit enough
but the shed dust.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Der Wanderer

Riscopro dunque
la mia vena romantica,
in piena desolazione,
come vuole la tradizione,
a fuggire la disaminia razionale.
C'è poco da coprire, dopotutto.
Decliniamo la prosa
verso altri scopi;
oggi si torna a casa:
c'è il richiamo dei vecchi,
e dei dimenticati, affabili amici.
Polverose istituzioni,
sfuggo da voi,
che mi masticate,
rinnegando antichi amori,
ed evitando nuove insinuazioni.
Rifiutato il progetto
di solistica visione,
si inverto i propositi e le cause.
- Posa i tuoi migli di percoso -
Alle volte mi vedo come sarei,
altre come sono.
Non scordare facilmente
è una promessa da furbi.
Ma ti salva la vita il più delle volte;
quando si palesa la proposta
d'un capitolo che si chiude.

Monday, August 4, 2014


Sono due che s'incontrano,
nonostante velocità ambivalenti
e percorsi differenti,
a creare la bolla d'ossigeno,
che risale le vene,
pressurizzata, verso il cervello.

Così pronta ad esplodere
la sua embolia,
quanto indefinitivamente
guidata dalla fortuna,
ti porterà via. Quando sarà.

Sunday, June 8, 2014


Already then, as we were,
you could already feel
the grain settle on the film,
standing as a time bulwark,
ageing the present
and fading the prospects.

No wonder the days
started already imprinted
passing straight to myth:
an echoing everlasting now,
fleeting in the consciousness
of its self awareness.

A tape recorded to be lost.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Cycling gold ages,
Shines as you pass the line.
Without coming back, they,
Illuminate the upcoming,
For a delightful while.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

/ conclusions

Backtracking us over
the running track.

Not to mention - it's a loop.

Then, where are we
going back to?

Thursday, April 24, 2014


Throughout the strings
that set up the ceiling
of this very moment,
I can picture a noisy
stream of unfulfilled
desires and shades,
that crawls silently,
like a heist of chances,
towards my reach.

Forward the field
of unattended matters,
which regrets over,
I can, for once,
dream of the brick
that i could pose;
concreting home.

Sizing the turbulence
of future spreads,
a momentary clarity,
reveals the foolish vision
that treads benefits
of the blissful ignorance.

More over is just
an unmeaningful planning
for a route that is ending
somewhere from its start.

Monday, April 21, 2014


Save up for better moments.

Trust no particular future,
but an overwhelming presence
whose fascinating charm
went through you.

Even though, be polite.
Care of the loss and
pretend nothing more.

amused by the development
- changing patterns -
but not here, not you.

Monday, March 24, 2014

La trovata persa

Il tempo e le possibilità
come permutazioni  verosimili
di un percorso infuturibile,

delineatosi in una somma di
contributi, palese alla sola distanza.
Fuori dal proprio intervallo,

la caduta degli intenti,
è il nodo ricorrente,
che riconduce a cercare

previsioni attendibili.
Incrociare nuove variabili
e indovinare male.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Punting Improvements (For the lucky ones)

Be good.

Thoughts of calm
and faint fulfillment,
operate through thou,
to find me reverse over.

Sluggish water flows
beside us, still,
as inside perturbations.
Intricate geometries,

run over the liquid surface;
mirroring the streams,
quietly breaking up
the smooth continuity of

our stagnant reflection.
It's simply a transient
multifaceted immobility:
a mean to be good.


Saturday, February 8, 2014

King of Loss

Mother - the first brings the end
but I've crawled mine wasn't
no matter the scent of dept.

Suspended while gathering
all their profiles together.

And from all one rises:
I hold up my head.

Quite a bargain for my bare grants.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Recall of fields escapes

She dances in the mist
breaking this city in halves,
while the tune finishes
with a foot-trawl guitar stroke.

Tightly self aware
of her own gravity,
she reaches the empty spaces
away from walls.

Industrial recalls upon steam
blur headlights spots
on the thin leading path:
goals to reach along the trail.

Guiding two souls,
no whispering reaches her
in the occasional wind flows;
not a wing of desire.

But still, strongest
that the generators voices,
her unspoke crosses
the thick tissue of the city

linking together places,
connecting experiences:
in-between, correlations merge,
as an afterwards whole.