Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Limite dell'infinito

Surreale, mentre scompare
Nello stormir dei silenzi isolanti,
Che pongono nel remoto la stanza,
Il tempo, scosso da brividi, salta.
E il passaggio d’un riflesso,
Goccia che scende, preda
Del morso gelato del buio,
Sembra trasmutare pure lo spazio:
E su altri viottoli sto viaggiando
Mentre prima sedevo e miravo;
E par che incombi solenne
Il trionfo dell’immaginario,
Nel suo sfoggio romantico
Dove or, col pensiero, mi fingo.
In codesto abbaglio, ove m’addentro
Vorticano, luminescenti nubi
E pulviscolo tutt’intorno,
Così che la vista è vana nel delirio
A cui succede, ermo, il miraggio;
E come a taluno, sconvolgeva,
Su d’un colle l’orizzonte tagliato,
Vago ancor di loco in loco,
Scrutando accorto le vicinanze,
Anch’io la mia siepe cercando.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


On those days
When all is left in shade
And the sharpened sky
Is denigrated by my eyes,
A sense of loneness idolatry
Descends as waves
Taking everything away,
Except for the pain.
And all I wish is
A bit of excitement

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Face To Face (100 Years After)

What is your choice
What is your choice
I didn’t hear nothing
Nothing from your voice
Nothing from your voice
Nothing from your voice.

What is your tale
What is your tale
In less than a second
You hided my face
You hided my face
You hided my face.

How’s your dream?
We are not there.
Here, you still deceive
I’m your fool

What is your fame
What is your fame
The bawl from the screen
Seems always the same
Seems always the same
Seems always the same.

Forget about your empties.
Stuck in here,
We are stuck in here.
There’s not step out,
Don't step out.

Forget about your empties.
Stuck in here,
We are stuck in here.
There’s not step out,
Don't step out.

How’s your dream?
We are not there.
Here, you still deceive
I’m your fool

|| On The First Day of Loss pt4

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Connectors

Gentle are your touches
As you get together,
Surrounded by people
And Cars

Asphalt not under
Your Feet

Red tail-lights,
Like burning desires,
Are moving by side.

Melancholic sight,
Sleepy eye.

Underground of tinkling glass
Lonely static
In a blur crowded bus.

Introduction to The Connectors

"This is for you ,girl,
Those, whose love
I’d never want to know.
Those from whom
I’d never grow.

The golden eye, you are,
Of my morning light
Under a brilliant tired sky
Whom I’ll keep guard
To its still of life.

Never felt your voice,
Neater heard any noise:
Silence and Joy,
In a restless fade,
Trying to be avoid."

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Giara Magnetica

Giara: otre di vetro,
Di vento di eco,
Estasi del timpano,
accostato al lucido freddo.
Riascolto del sospiro
-Nastro magnetico-
Lasciato addietro, che
Riesuma i cadaveri del cielo.
Mentre si sperde tremula,
Rapita dalla folata,
La frase tra le labbra,
Quasi non sprigionata,
In un filo di voce...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I know what it means
But will you?
This is my regression
My free yell in hell.
Even in this last parade,
What you cal possession,
Has been already lost,
Through a slow fade.

Death, rebirth and my joke
On those game made by the voice
Makes you a shock.
I'll said it again
Why should it be a problem?
You've never respected
Any of it, but Its name
Burns your fears,
While I shout it loud.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

On The First Day Of Loss [Pt3]

On the first day of loss,
Everything was strange.
Turning and not founding
Waiting for memories
Never came.
Wanting to sink
With that heart so free

On the first day of loss
There was only silence
The contact not ringing.
Out from the blank walls
Standing before the road
Furrow in the park
With the immortal comforting me

This comes only backwards
This comes only backwards
This comes only backwards
[When you leave it to the mind]

On the first day of loss
I don’t even remember
But it has become
The sum of all the days
Don’t remember
It’s the sum of all the days,
Since this, last, one.

This comes only backwards
This comes only backwards
This comes only backwards
[When you leave it to the mind]

The process comes in the head
Comes in the head
Comes in the head
[When outside is dark]

The process comes in the head
Comes in the head
Comes in the head
[When outside falls the night]

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Monumento Funebre

Il mare di colonne
Sormonta la mia testa.
Una luce crudele taglia
La lustra pietra.
Schiacciato dal granito
Ho il respiro mozzato…
Alzo lo sguardo
Alla croce del cielo,
E miro l’arido baglior
Che avrebbe potuto
Illuminare il tuo volto,
E rifletterlo nel nero liscio
Contro cui t’avrei amato.
Pochi passi, mirando la linea cinerea
Del muro: sotto altri figuri
Mi scorgo vagare,
Non pesti ne oppressi,
C’anche ci colsero
Lo sguardo incrociare.

|| Released with the photo "Paranoid Walk" on Flickr

Monday, August 4, 2008

On The First Day Of Loss

|| Introduction

"We could stop here for now."

|| Somewhere Before*

Everything turned for a while.
In the middle of nowhere,
When my eyes where almost asleep,
Everything was so linear.
I had enough time to metabolize,
Enough time to realize.

The stairs descendent low,
The street, now in the heist,
Approached me with no warmth;
But after, it was nothing
But a little pain in the stomach.

|| Record Paper, Train & Marble**

Here, again, it pass.
Like a grain in the water, it pass.
Can't I feel anything?
It has been an instant, quick, delightful.
Then that sensation, old, immediate.
Few hou
rs with the mind to others times.
And then the veil spreads on everything.

The window shouted again.
The shell clench upon me,

Sealing me.

Am I turning to the beginning?

Watching this end, I think yes.

* On The First Day Of Loss Pt1
** On The First Day Of Loss Pt2

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Aspettando il viaggio | Waiting for the Trip

Steli d’erba, flessuose figure
Dal movimento fluido dell’onda
Quale s’increspa lieve sul pelo
Dell’acqua dal color terra
Nel rivo del canale adiacente.
E trame sono tessute e disfatte
Da instancabili penelopi alate;
Così come il ramingo, lontano,
Schiude gli occhi al mattino,
Con le spalle volte alla casa
E tenace cambia il cammino,
Sotto un cielo a strati
Tagliato da moti nuvolari.

[The english version will be published in a second moment due to stilistical problem]

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Writing some words,
Loosing the world.
Giving pleasure,
Asking for pleasure.

Time goes by
And I feel the sky.
The windows shows
The face of some one
That should not come.

Writing some thoughts,
Loosing in my world.
Giving pleasure,
Looking for pleasure.

The road spinning wide,
The dust in my mind,
Makes me fall into emptiness.
I'm calling you,
Into the bliss of my senses.

I smiled to the city.
I smiled to the ground.
I smiled to the dark,
As we walked into the night.

I smiled to your face.
I smiled for that glance.
I smiled for your grace,
That moved me into the night.

// New Rearranged Version

Friday, July 11, 2008

Road To Homeless

Same road avery day,
Each time so different.
Colors of grey became
So pink and bright;
When the people took a look,
The sky turned blue.
And the speak of no one
Was the only role.

|| Published With The Photo "Factory Trip" on Flickr


Looking to the sky,
Lying on the grass,
I find myself.
Nothing in mind,
On the face just a smile.

Under the sun
I'm going to try
What made you cry.
To understand
How you lived.

I didn't know
I could be like this.
Change side,
You still find yourself low.

I'm still crawling for more
But I'm sure you'll fall apart.
I'm giving all I got,
And It's just a matter of time,
Before I'll be erased.

The blank I see.
Is so full.
I find myself laughing
for visions
that I've never seen.

The time passed
Is not been wasted,
Even if I'll be erased

I'll vanish soon.
You will not.
In some way,
In some end,
Something of me will remain

I didn't know
I could be like this.
Change side,
You still find yourself low.

I'm still crawling for more
But I'm sure you'll fall apart.
I'm giving all I got,
And It's just a matter of time,
Before I'll be erased.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Potrei, della luce che ti faceva gioco,
Fare lucenti collane che abbaglino:
Piccole gioie che, anche se per poco,
Al collo d’una bambina giovino.

Ma dell’ombra che l’altra avvolgeva,
Potrei tessere un fular che gli animi inabissi:
Placido vanto che, forte, ogni dubbio leva
All’occhio che, sognante, la fissi.

E voi, assieme, come cielo e mare,
L’una nell’altra vi specchiate,
Ed io stupito rimango a guardare,

Voi, che sulla linea dell’orizzonte,
Confondendovi assieme, vi compenetrate
Divenendo un desiderio dalla natura bifronte.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Quiete prima della notte e del giorno seguente

La luce gialla sporca queste pagine,
Mentre scrivo con mano ferma.
Non c'è niente, assolutamente
Niente, che mi preme il cuore;
Non un turbine non un tremore:
Nulla giunge inaspettatamente.
Chiuso nei vapori d'una terma,
Non temo per esso la ruggine
Mentre scomprare il sole ad oriente.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


"Some times I'am the color of the air
Some times It's only after....
Watch the sky moves sideways
And hear...
Some times I feel like a
Some times I'am the color of the air...."

I should I've done
Everything on my soul
To make a different future
From those few pasts.
Lips of persuasion,
I'm the color of the air.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Occhio della Tempesta

Parte 3

Scenario sublime
Ora specchio di tempesta
In un contorno di foresta
Di palazzi e mura.
Preme l'acqua
Sulla tempia
Sporta da una finestra
Ove mai più siederò.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Al Freddo Ostinato

Vago come in tenebre,
Senza la tutela di un lume,
Nella nube di ricordi,
D’un tempo or celebre.

Il profilo ricercato
Nella coltre fumosa,
Che lento trapasso,
Ostinato rimane velato,

Quasi che, ebro del suo sguardo,
Il mio pensiero vinto,
Dall'anestetizzato gaudio,
Non lo focalizzi nel vago riquadro.

Come cieco barcollo perso
Nelle tenebre tediose
Di questa folta bruma,
Che unisce, in un profilo terso,

Tutte le azioni remote;
Che tramutano così,
Da malinconiche gioie,
A sempre più frammentate note:

… Non odo parole
Che enunciavi liete
Non vedo mura
Che si levavano discoste
Non trovo la pelle
Dal sapore del miele
Non riprovo alcun dolore
Ma l’immagine gelida
D’un intenso candore…

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Luce opaca
Il grigio e'l verde:
Dal cielo nessuno sguardo.
Cemento che strozza
E viene strozzato
Da metallo e reti.
Un fossato che scava
E dell'acqua così spettrale
Nel ruomore
Delle sue fluttuazioni

|| Published With The Photo "Should be free..." on Flickr

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Adieu Sous Une Basilique

L’ultimo spiro,
Dai polmoni, freddo, scaturito,
Si perde in un cielo prismico.
Vola il pensiero, dentro iridi dilatate
Dall’ennesimo siero, ma resiste
Ancora criptica
La domanda persa:
Come risposta un lamento
E calda acqua, dagli occhi,
Come un rivo lento.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Telefonino Random [English Version]

Apathy in the streets and in the houses.
Naked in front of blank screens,
Fearing for blank planets

I find myself without my icon.
I’ll show you the world where I live.
You’ll joy my joy without color and taste.
I’ll entrust my body in your hands:
Free it from the cables.
Then, maybe, my words
Will know how to talk to you.
Come in this apathy let her take you.
We’ll going to fall asleep blessed.
We’ll going to fall asleep blessed.

|| Italian Version Posted on 23 | 03 | 08

Monday, June 2, 2008

Al mattino (Sarto)

Vedo l'uomo fuori dall'aria
Seduto e così assorto.
Turpidi i pensieri, riflessi negli occhi;
Scarlatto il mantello.
Sembra l'araldo della gioia
E'l mattino diverso e distorto
Risulta con le tue mani nei tuoi fogli
Un richiamo fratello.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Occhio della Tempesta

Parte 1

Sprazzo d'azzuro
Baleno nel bianco
Attimo sfugevole,
Statico incanto.
Sta nebuloso
L'infinito sipario,
Soffice e terribile,
E buio
E serrato
Sul paesaggio bagnato.

Parte 2

Circolo, da un fascio
La nube, col cielo
In contrasto,
Lascia prendere fiato.
Torna all'assalto
E il buio
Ricopre ciò che per poco
Fu assolato.

Titolo originale "Prendere Fiato"

Friday, May 16, 2008


Arrivano i mostri
A popolare le tenebre,
Quando soffio via la luce,
A sussurare follie.
I fantasmi risorgono,
Cingendomi, per farmi ricordare,
Mentre cerco il sonno,
Che con un sogno
Possa il pensiero obliare.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


The spider waits
For you to come.
He's still as wind,
He'll keep you safe,
In his glorious net.
You will be protect,
He will lull you, untill
The sleep will come.
Close your eyes,
Abandon your body,
Eight times as his paws.
Offer him your vein,
And then in the web,

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Time passes
And I keep closing up.
Time passes
And I keep growing.

Tomorrow is gone Already.
I’ve looked for help.
Without luck.
I was left.
I’ve stepped out of the shadow
With a dream in my head.
I went to the lovers and ask them how.
And walked up to the bright spaces.
[As they say]

My skin gets tired
While waiting.
I’ve wanted more.
Without luck.
I breathed.
I’ve been too gentle with all.
Your voice through the ground
Made me want to break down.
Where’s your breathe?

And goes away,
Our time.
Will come.
I crawled.
There’s dirt on this pat.
Don’t come over here.
You found another way.
I’m happy, now I’m free.

Sweet air.
Impossible to have.
Shadows of trees I never had.

All this dust.
Is making me cleaner.
All this dust.
Makes me cleaner.
All this dust.
Is making me cleaner
All this dust
Makes me cleaner.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Train Station Moonlight

Moviments during the night
The train moving slow.
Smoke trough the engine.
Little noise, and people rushing
On the stairs.
Lights impressed on my retina
Shine like thousands stars,
Captured by this ceiling,
So ceased to fly.

|| Published With The Photo "Train Station Moonlight" on Flickr

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Versa fango come miele
Lungo la gola arsa.
Inganna ogni senso
Eclissando il demone
Dietro i pesanti tendaggi
Che oscureranno l'iride
Alucinata e straniata.

Taglia con l'accuminata
Lama il polso che così ride
Quali fossero carezze o massaggi.
Disperdendo il tepore,
Torna ad essere terso;
Distante dall'immensa farsa
Da cui s'attinge solo fiele.

Monday, May 5, 2008


La noia assale furiosa le viscere,
Le scuote e mi ferisce.
Trema la mano al pensiero di uccidere.
Piano anche lo stimolo perisce.

Vieni, ragazza, posati sul corpo mio,
Accompagnami in questo viaggio
Che perdura nella notte, rivelando Dio
Di cui, ora, non vedo che il miraggio.

Andiamocene in una lontana altura,
Sovrastiamo i nostri nomi, lasciamoli morire:
Riveleremo questa subdola natura.
Lasciami sul tuo grembo, beato, dormire.

Ancora ti catturo nel mio gioco:
Sono lo scrivano delle tue voglie.
Potresti essere l'ennesimo balocco,
O del diavolo la splendida moglie.

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Seduta, lo sguardo tristo,
Il mondo che scorre veloce
Lungo i tuoi fianchi,
Ti ergi come un Cristo
Da quel vorticoso turbamento
Di luce e di gente, quali
Colonne smosse dal vento.

Risplendono i tuoi profili bianchi,
Fuoriescono dal suono grigio
E giungono a salvarmi
Da un incubo di anonimità.

Ma è il momento a ingannarmi:
Si spalancano le porte
E sono nuovamente disceso,
Caduto. Ancora una volta
Questo terreno mi ha, arreso.
E sveglio, mi chiedo chi ancora,
Col solo sguardo, tirarmi fuori potrà.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Terms of Unspoken

And as I'm dying this can't be the right end for me.
I want to abuse again the world.
Rape it.
Make it mine.
Living the excess.
Bring to the edge everything
And see all perish.
Lets usure, let us use.
Leave the body cold.
Leave the love, old.
Something new for get excited.
Bored by the usual.
New sensations,
Asking for the persecution of the bliss.
Loosing the external me.
Shooting right in your eyes.
A gun in my heand.
Can't any of you see the death?
Make Her take you!
Let me be possesed by her.
Killing for the freedom,
Killing for peace,
Killing for love,
Killing for hate,
Killing for living.
Help me becoming a God,
Assassinate me.
Help me having a legend,
Assasinate me.
Kiss me.
Don't talk. Don't move.
The end is for my dreams,
My body is all eletricized,
Ready to hit you.
Ready to love you.
Ready to terrorize you.
A botle as a friend, gave me the force.
Makes me true this pain.
I don't seek for it:
It's a desire.
Unspoken my wishes remains.
You like it?
I love this.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Telefonino Random

Apatia nelle strade e nelle case.
Nudi davanti a schermi vuoti,
Con la paura di pianeti bianchi.
Mi trovo senza la mia immagine.
Ti mostrerò il mondo in cui vivo.
Parteciperai alla mia gioia senza colore né sapore.
Affiderò alle tue mani il mio corpo restio.
Tu liberalo dai cavi.
Poi chissà che le mie parole
Sapranno parlarti.
Vieni in questa apatia, lasciala pervaderti.
Ci addormenteremo beati,
Ci addormenteremo beati.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Cristal Skies

Stars suspended on linen wires.
Paper satellites cross the sky.
The face of the moon disappears
[Covered by black curtains]
I’ve taken few drops, but I’ve fallen asleep.

And it’s passed some time trough my closed eyelids,
Shadows dance for me behind the lights.

Cristal skies shatters.
Sand castles collapse, enlightened
By spheres of light on lined lamps.
And a sea in which I’ve put myself to drown.

And it’s passed some time trough my closed eyelids,
Shadows dance for me behind the lights.

White beaches of salt,
Impend by waves of sparkling wine.
Rings of planets spin away,
Distant from my thoughts’ orbits, I’ve alienated.

Soft clouds of wadding,
Pastry air on the head.
A rainbow, black, in the twilight.
I’ve taken few drops, but I’ve fallen asleep.

And it’s passed some time trough my closed eyelids,
Shadows dance for me behind the lights.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


And still, as iron
His eyes cold as the day.
Nothing of a lion,
But a kitten.
So alone in the pat
Of death,
Awaiting for us
To step in the dark.
Yellow scars.
Show the trail
Departed from our luxury
And ended with all the days.

|| Published in occasion of Wine&Roses's photo "Sunshine Kitten"

Rearranged Version

Monday, April 14, 2008

Notte al Quindicesimo Piano

Guardo quest'abisso profondissimo
E rimango piacevolmente stupito
Di come un vecchio brivido
Mi porti verso l'infinito,
Riposto sotto questo cielo livido.
Batte il cuore un ritmo.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Va affievolendosi il vento tra le tamerici.
Cala la brezza del tramonto.
Lo sciabordio delle onde,
Infondo alla spiaggia,
Tra riflessi dorati e lingue di fuoco,
Culla il naufrago.
Rapide occhiate, dalla scogliera,
Inquadrano il vero problema:
Se dietro è una montagna
Davanti è l'infinito dell'acqua.

E colmare la visione è impossibile.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Ricordi Spezzati del Deserto

Ricordi spezzati del deserto.
Balocchi d'immagini su verdi muri,
Ed i granuli trasfigurati e'l capello al vento.
Il tempo rimane lento.

Ricordi spezzati del deserto.
Bizzarri movimenti d'ombre lasciate all'atmosfera,
Quale dolce promessa di una diversa
Di ciò che invece era.

Cammina e abbandona
Impronte nella sabbia, fresco,
Il nostro piede.
Tralascia questo disordine,
Torna, ritorna.

|| Published With The Photo " Leave Another Day" on Flickr

Monday, March 31, 2008

Notte Sul Mare

Giunge non vista
La pioggia odorosa,
E'l tocca con velo
La foglia bruna,
E'l macchia la sabbia mista.
L'odor si confonde della rosa
E la tua figura pare lo stelo
Alla luce nuova di questa luna.

Geme l'acqua grigia
Del mar sugli scogli,
Copiosa risgorga cerule
Dai mille solchi.
Si bagna la tua guancia ligia
E tocca la stilla i fogli,
Impronta del ricordo, che esule
Rimane delle lacrime gli occhi.

Monday, March 24, 2008

White Desert

Me and You as walking
As loosing ourself.
Turning less the head back,
More often the glance comes ahead.
Escaping from all of them,
Running away from us again.
The white of this desolation,
Makes more simple than allways,
For the hand to touch the earth.
And as this salt comes in my mouth,
You really have to shout it out,
About our imperfection. But
Through this isolation,
We'll find our true immagination.
There's no desert infero for us,
We'll not burn for our sin,
Just dieing for it.
Never go back, don't search for black
It's You and I, lost for ever.

|| Published With The Photo " You and I, Lost For Ever" on Flickr

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Il vento gioca con le foglie ed io avvizzisco.
Lento entra il respiro,
Io sogno, neanche dormendo
Il sonno di un ghiro.
La goccia pervade il mio spirito;
Finisco quest’ultimo giro,
E poi la smetto con questo sbaglio.
Il giorno, eppur, non è ancora finito.
Cesserò forse, con la bruma che accecò il sole
E con una lettera in cui non ci siano solo parole.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Contro la Rivoluzione

Contro la rivoluzione.
Contro la rivoluzione urlano.
Cadiamo assieme, perdiamoci assieme,
E poi la sera lieve e fonda, accompagnandoci,
Assicurerà ai nostri mostri un posto teso
All'illimitato universo del nostro firmamento.
Incamminiamoci verso un altro intrattenimento
che dei nostri fantasmi non faccia affidamento
Urlano ancora. Urlano e la rivoluzione cade.
Alla sera lo scheletro dorato abbandonato giace.
Tutti i sogni e le speranze e i progetti andati persi.
D'ardente non rimane alcun fuoco, solo poca brace.
Ombre stanche che riposano su spiagge innevate,
Scordate dal sole, che luminoso tamburella
Sull'ocra sconfinato del deserto e nasconde
Il sogno, fresco e lucente del mare.
Anche quei lunghi profili indicano l'acqua
E risuonano l'amaro d'un pensiero distorto d'azzurre sponde.

Made with the collaboration of Emiliano Sartorelli

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sitting in the Dark

Sitting in the dark,

Trying to read without fortune,

I’m waiting to leave.

The emptiness inside.

This time I’ve touched the ground.

It’s been a while I haven’t see the stars,

But I didn’t even turn my head.

The future, that is waiting, falls

And I can’t find it ahead.

Why should I be out of my mind?

Why should I shout to the night?

I’ll go, I’ll reach the mall

So to die really alone.

Sitting in the dark,

Trying to stay awake without fortune,

I’ll fall asleep quickly.

The emptiness inside.

But I don’t want to dream again,

To see all those faces in the waves.

I’ve pretended to be real another time,

But as I’m walking here,

Lying my feet on the cold ground,

I know I’m not.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Beautiful Light Night

Nocturne attacks shake the consciousness.
I don’t know where or why, but my stomach doesn’t relax.
Between pleasure and pain the lip’s bleeding,
I now feel all that life that I didn’t have jet.
A design left incomplete,
Like those experiences gone and never tested again.

I didn’t want to come back in time,
I would have preferred to disappear.

From the window the night watches me.
Thinking again of all I’ve sew on my skin,
Of all my desires and my obstinacy.
Why do I still think about it? It’s only a problem of form.
I wanted to decide the future I knew,
Now I only try to understand how the past has been.

I didn’t want to come back in time,
I would have preferred to disappear.

If there wasn’t the dark on the bed,
If there wasn’t this reflex,
If there wasn’t the warmth to the stomach,
If there wasn’t the complete loss,
If there wasn’t the loneliness,
This night wouldn’t be so beautiful.

Through this darkness I’ve considered,
And founded the direction that no one ever indicated me.
Radical and aristocratic the detach.
It was me to undertake that road, and I know how much solitaire is,
But I don’t want to go back,
And once lost I’m not going to ask nobody to hold out a hand.

Slowly I’m forgetting the colors.
To force the line of some phrase now elapsed,
There has been always time enough.
From the isolation created from some useless conviction,
I’ve turned somewhere else the glance.
But always, in the half-light I find myself at last.

I didn’t want to come back in time,
I would have preferred to disappear.

If there wasn’t the dark on the bed,
If there wasn’t this reflex,
If there wasn’t the warmth to the stomach,
If there wasn’t the complete loss,
If there wasn’t the loneliness,
This night wouldn’t be so beautiful.

The stare captured among the shadows,
Confuses the real with everything that the mind throws up.
I fill the eyes with old light,
To wing away, where I’ve never been,
Where I don’t have no more dreams, or desires.
This night comforts me, I’m grateful to her once more.

If there wasn’t the dark on the bed,
If there wasn’t this reflex,
If there wasn’t the warmth to the stomach,
If there wasn’t the complete loss,
If there wasn’t the loneliness,
This night wouldn’t be so beautiful.

[English Version of Attacchi Notturni]

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

One More

Here with him,
A desert in mind.
Wind out side the windows.
As one day we will fall
We now live here,
Dancing for a stupid dream.

An other day
We will be togheter.
An other day

This is for you,
My thought is with you.
A wave of resonable sadness
Comes to the head.
Next to me here,
Dancing for a stupid dream.

An other day
Passed togheter.
An other day

(to Babi)

-First published on Alberto Blog 12 /12 /07

Sunday, February 10, 2008


Lei lo guarda per un momento.
Poi si volta come d'improvviso.
Arriva tra i capelli il vento
E sparge i riflessi sul viso.
Gli occhi si oscurano al volto
Diritto verso un diverso logo;
Ed un fugace sorriso vien colto,
Privando d'oblio il ricordo.

Strusciavano le mani sulla seta,
Stropicciavano il corpo supino,
Steso non sulla terra lieta.
Il pensiero, lo definì fino:
Ma quel tremor lo scosse sì forte
Che lo sguardo al buio volse,
Portandolo lento alla morte,
Ma tra le braccia sue. Così lo colse.

Monday, February 4, 2008

A Moment of Reflection

Bending down the glance,
To something I never considered:
From the bottom how am I?
Behind me there is a fence,
But is something that I realized:
I know how I’d look like.

Twisted back the head,
The window above,
My name lost
In your rivers of words.

Turning left the body,
The air’s sounds are erased:
Do I still exist without any?
Tuning my temper to moody
Tend to be again grounded:
My hopes are too many.

Minded back to then,
The face alone,
The lane’s ghost
Shows me how I’m lost.

Footprints on the stone,
Are the only things left.
I’m not saying anything,
But echoes in my head,
Converse for me instead
There is some design on the wall,
Still I want to be sure,
If I’m not watching it,
It remains as I saw.

It is a moment of reflection:
I’m giving away

It is a moment of reflection:
I’m giving away

It is a moment of reflection:
I’m giving away

Thursday, January 24, 2008

No Reason To Complain [complete version]

Unfortunately I have no reason to complain.
I don’t use a gun,
My father is not a Trans.
I can be sure of be
With a mother that isn’t a bitch.
My brother isn’t a pervert drugged,
Impossible to reach.

I’ve a place, water and a big case,
Where my future is located.
I had a noble childhood,
Nor I tried to hang up a loop.
I have an education,
And insurances for any situation.

I’ve all the means, but then tell me
Why can’t I stop complain?

I’ve friends and some love,
And my hands lack corns.
I had everything I needed,
Also those that I didn’t.
I have my stomach full,
And hurts though.

I’ve all the means, but then tell me
Why can’t I stop complain?

At school I don’t concentrate.
What's work I can’t even explain.
My head is in somewhere-else place.

I’ve all the means, but then tell me
Why can’t I stop complain?

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Won’t I find a way to speak silently?
Did you really know all of my life?
Wonted to find more of me,
But didn’t you realized that
It was you to put a mask on me?

Something I wasn’t I was for you.
Where you thing was I?
It was just an illusion made for me,
But I didn’t even realized that
It was you that put a mask on me.

This china is cold on my skin,
I didn’t realize it was like this.

Avery day passed was a lie.
Well I’ll better try to get over the sky.

I remember the first day free.
No more mask and finally, a breathe.
After a little it felt strange,
With all that air spreading on the face.
But I could give one final glance.

Avery day passed was a lie.
Well I’ll better try to get over the sky.

Released with Mask (photo)

Monday, January 14, 2008

Eight in the morning

Here's my book and a pen
Eight in the morning and
It's a while that I don't see you.
I’m wondering about all of this
I would not say I need you.
But I do have a strange feeling.

My dream is to walk away
To reach you in some fairy-place
And to remain.

There is no strength for more pain.
I’ve reached no turning point
No rest in this walk under the rain.
At home, the sheets of the bed left undone,
I can’t have no sleep, But I need a dream.

My dream is to walk away
To reach you in some fairy-place
And to remain.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Dark Room

This perfume and I’m in another room.
Gentle and unique it takes me
To another time that has never ceased.

The light confuses the perimeters of things.
So I remain contemplating the real
Motionless and sitting: I’ve never moved.

I’m not going with you.
I don’t want to see the sky getting blue.

Some time in a while I comeback.
I leave this place for half-light places
Where the profile is less clear.

It confuses the figure with the rest
And the thoughts are mystify
Yet I’ve never felt better.

I’m not going with you.
I don’t want to see the sky getting blue.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

On A Solitary Bench (Part 1)

The intercom sang in the house.
The figure of myself hanged over the PC.
I've found you crying at the end of the stairs.
I brought you outside under no sun.
Remember then? It was just you and me on a bench.

We where so close to get over it.
Our speech in the chill of November.
Your broken voice I do remember.
The sky suspended over our head
Seemed to be there only for me.

How much time is it passed from then?
Now we don't seat and talk.
Do you still look to the clouds?
Have you lost that smile?
I'm so distant right now.

But that's not important because,
Although it is all over even before its start,
You are almost important for me.
And on the bench I can still sit,
Even without you.

Monday, January 7, 2008

No Happy Ending (Stifle Me)

When I first saw what was going to be, I thought it was something good.
But when the life crushed, all was left.
The steps in the dark. The waves far from the sea.
The stars reflected were all falling on my head.

Sitting on a dune, noticing my reflection in the waves.
The eye lifted a look but nothing changed.
The stars reflected were all falling on my head.
The color of my blood was still red.

Now that is all gone I’m going to throw
What is left and leave your cigarettes.

Walking on the sand, naked for the freeze.
The breath went away with the breeze.
The voices heard come with the wind,
And I wanted my head to fly with it.

Now that is all gone I’m going to throw
What is left and leave your cigarette.

Came here and stifle me.
Came here and stifle me.

Holding my hand, waiting to crush
Everything is going to be different dust
The glance of the ocean before my eyes,
Is showing me the set to drown.

Now that is all gone I’m going to throw
What is left and leave your cigarette.

Came here and stifle me.
Came here and stifle me.
Came here and stifle me.
Came here and stifle me.

Ricordo di una notte d'inverno [English Version]

At the bus stop
with the night descendent trought the ruins
so blanck behind the shoulders, you
turning to the light,
the radiant face turned.

The day it was I don't remember
But in the dubt I don't stop.
Far and isolated remains
from the story suspended
the picture of that night

Chills girds the body
as the memory of that time
The attack brought so often
from it, breaks the breath
blody taste trought the teeth

The woman who to kidnap my soul
Had not thought
Is now run in remote places
that I don't seek
but only, in wet blankets, dream.

Street Main Dream

Just like a shock
Then a child on the road
Running to a light,
A glam on the sign.
The melody into the night,
A mid in the past, right
To a city painted of blue.
While the trees flew
On my side space,
The moon was on my face.
All the sky painted of white.
Just two rabbit in the rest.
What should I guess
I did not tell yet.
And in all of this
Only a tight wonder
Continues to get me over.

Scual - Info

Scual (Special Cures for Uncurable Anesthetized Lovers) is multimedial project that spaces from music to photography, from movies to poetry. Initially born from a space made for the publication of picture, text and tracks, the program expanded to graphic and to the creation of films. Some artistic categories were connected together, some directly (by being part of the same side-project) and other indirectly (with references more or less explicit). This continue research of a more art “immersion”, intended in its real meaning, and no more limited to simple category, brought more and more to a combination between the disciplines, crating in such way full-sensation experiences, that could stimulate the spectator and let be himself part of the work.

WebSite: scual

Scual (Special Cures for Uncurable Anesthetized Lovers) è un progetto multimediale che spazia dalla musica alla fotografia, da filmati alla poesia. Inizialmente nato da uno spazio per la pubblicazione di foto, testi e brani, il programma si espanse anche alla grafica e alla creazione di filmati. Alcune categorie artistiche erano collegate tra di loro, sia direttamente (facendo parte dello stesso sottoprogetto) sia indirettamente (con riferimenti più o meno espliciti). Questa continua ricerca di una sempre maggiore “immersione” nell’arte, intesa nel suo termine vero e proprio, e non più limitata ad una sola categoria, portò a implementare sempre più una disciplina con l’altra, creando così esperienze che comprendessero l’utilizzo di tutti i sensi dello spettatore che così stimolato diviene quasi parte stesso dell’opera.

SitoInternet: scual