Wednesday, November 26, 2008


On those days
When all is left in shade
And the sharpened sky
Is denigrated by my eyes,
A sense of loneness idolatry
Descends as waves
Taking everything away,
Except for the pain.
And all I wish is
A bit of excitement

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Face To Face (100 Years After)

What is your choice
What is your choice
I didn’t hear nothing
Nothing from your voice
Nothing from your voice
Nothing from your voice.

What is your tale
What is your tale
In less than a second
You hided my face
You hided my face
You hided my face.

How’s your dream?
We are not there.
Here, you still deceive
I’m your fool

What is your fame
What is your fame
The bawl from the screen
Seems always the same
Seems always the same
Seems always the same.

Forget about your empties.
Stuck in here,
We are stuck in here.
There’s not step out,
Don't step out.

Forget about your empties.
Stuck in here,
We are stuck in here.
There’s not step out,
Don't step out.

How’s your dream?
We are not there.
Here, you still deceive
I’m your fool

|| On The First Day of Loss pt4